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SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜

Brand Guidelines, Logos & Templates

GCC adheres to strict guidelines when producing promotional materials to remain consistent with the GCC brand.

Official GCC Logos

Buffer Zone

The buffer zone is the minimum distance that any other elements can be placed near the GCC logo. 这样可以确保logo在一个整洁的环境中保持突出. The amount of buffer zone is always in direct proportion to the size of the logo, and should not be altered.GCC Buffer Zone

As shown here, the Buffer Zone is defined by the width (or height) of the letter “G” in GCC. 标志越小,“G”的空间就越小.

不要修改任何单个标志的大小或位置, DO NOT twist or stretch the logo, DO NOT omit any part of the logo (“Genesee Community College” may be removed if the logo is too small for the the text to be legible).


Color Palette & Font Families

在GCC公司标识中有三种认可的颜色:潘通黑色, Pantone 285 C, and Pantone 117 C. Pantone 116 C是网页材料的可接受选择.

Designers may reverse text out of these colors, or print blue or black over yellow.

PMS-Color Usage
Pantone Black C
PMS-Color Usage
Pantone 285 C
PMS-Color Usage
Pantone 117 C
PMS-Color Usage
Pantone 116 C
CMYK Equivalent
C 0   M 0   Y 0   K 100
CMYK Equivalent
C 90   M 48   Y 0   K 0
CMYK Equivalent
C 7   M 27   Y 100   K 12
CMYK Equivalent
C 0   M 14   Y 100   K 0
Screen Equivalent
R 35   G 35   B 35
Screen Equivalent
R 0   G 114   B 206
Screen Equivalent
R 201   G 151  B 0
Screen Equivalent
R 255   G 205  B 0
HTML Equivalent
#23 23 23
HTML Equivalent
#00 72 CE
HTML Equivalent
#C9 97 00
HTML Equivalent
#FF CD 00

Font Families

任何版本(粗体,中体,斜体等).) of Futura and Museo are to be used primarily by the College’s professional design team when expressing the GCC brand in a print environment.

For general college use in most Microsoft Office applications and for online environments (such as html), 建议采用以下替代方案:

  • 任何版本的Arial(代替Futura)
  • Georgia (in place of Museo)

在设计文本时要谨慎, 记住,清晰易读的沟通永远是首要目标. 排版应该支持信息,而不是阻碍信息.

Please feel free to contact the MarCom Office when promoting events and activities to off-campus markets.

官方GCC格纹/格子呢使用政策 & Information

Genesee Community College has an official plaid/tartan that is encouraged to be used by faculty, staff, 参加各种活动的俱乐部, 比如筹款产品和服务. 格纹图案在美国受版权保护.S. and the tartan is registered with the Scottish Register of Tartans, National Archives of Scotland. Both of these filings support the reserved rights to reproduce the specific plaid image and tartan weave.

格纹/格子设计是通过 Fashion Design program, supported by the Fashion Merchandising program. Collaboratively, this design has been used on projects on campus to encourage both the concept of design for the Fashion majors, 建立学院精神,巩固海合会品牌. Among the projects:

  • Men’s neckties (100% silk)Plaid Display Case
  • Men’s bowties (100% silk)
  • Women’s Scarves (100% silk)
  • Vests (100% cotton tartan weave)
  • Kilt (100% cotton tartan weave)
  • T-Shirts, short & long sleeve (poly blend)
  • Socks (lyra/poly blend)
  • Stationery (paper)
  • Signage & Logo’s (paper)

A database history log of plaid & tartan weave will be kept on all the projects created by our GCC Community which will serve as a history log as well as a resource highlighting successful products. The log will track all projects going on at one time and to avoid having competing products the same semester/year. 格纹/格子呢的使用不涉及成本.

所有带有格纹或格子花纹的物品均须附有版权标志: © 2015 on each item. This could be printed, stamped, 染色或贴在最适合项目设计的标签上. Lettering should be in black, white, or one of the college specific hexadecimal/pantone colors.

A new design of a plaid pattern or a new tartan weave with the College colors would not be considered an official GCC plaid and should not be used as it is a competing product infringing on the existing Copyright. 保持品牌主题是很重要的, design and specific colors set forth through the College’s Marketing Communication Office. 没有使用学院官方颜色的格子布, 例如粉色/红色不会竞争或侵犯本版权, however it may require research to see if a different plaid or tartan is already Copyrighted or Registered. Please feel free to contact the Fashion Business Program to discuss any aspect of the plaid/tartan use or intended project.


  1. Complete the GCC Plaid/Tartan Request Form.
    The application information will become part of the historical use of the plaid/tartan on campus.
  2. 在申请被审查和批准后, a plaid image or weave count for the tartan will be provided to the lead person requesting the project.
  3. 可选择供应商进行产品开发. 可以推荐可能的供应商.
  4. Please be sure to apply or have vendor apply the © 2015 copyright symbol and year of copyright filing to the plaid on the product.
  5. 项目进行中及完成后, 为数据库历史日志发送产品的电子映像.
  6. 如果适用,张贴任何图像相关的 #GCCPLAID for online followers.

Publicizing & Marketing Campus Events

GCC有各种各样的方式来推广校园活动. For a more detailed description of marketing an event or newsworthy piece through MarCom, please see pages 47- 49 of the GCC Brand Standards Manual.

Press Releases

To promote your event through the MarCom department’s press releases, please remember the following:

  • Understand the “five W’s” (Who, What Where, Why, When) and include this information.
  • Time, date, location, title, contact information, cost for attendees, 事件的一般描述和唯一性.
  • 需要充分通知公关部. Six weeks is recommended.
  • 活动的照片使新闻稿更有吸引力.
  • 我们的作者从其他链接中受益, videos, quotes, or outside information to assist in their understanding of the event in order to better describe your event to editors.
  • 公关部向佐治亚州的一些出版物分发新闻稿, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming counties, 以及布法罗和罗切斯特地区. If you would like your press release sent to a specific publication outside of these regions, 请在您的新闻稿请求中注明.
  • 如果您想申请新闻稿或其他公关部服务,请填写 MarCom Request Form.

Flyers & Bulletin Boards

  • 优点:容易生成纸质传单.
  • 缺点:需要多份复印件贴在各个校园网站的公告栏上.
  • How to:
    • Batavia Campus -所有传单必须经过批准并盖章 & 由学生活动办公室张贴. Please review the Flyer Guidelines before submitting your flyer, as flyers that fail to meet these guidelines will be removed nightly from the Bulletin Boards.
    • College Village -传单可透过办公室内部邮件直接寄往大学村. 他们将接受114 - 1/2页的传单,这些传单将放在居民的门上. 如有任何问题,请直接致电(585)343-0163与学院村联系.
    • Campus Centers – Send 2 copies each for all six campus centers via Intercampus mail – Size: 8 ½ x 11”.

Forum Banners

  • 优点:论坛上的任何人都可以阅读.
  • 缺点:横幅必须在校外制作,并由个别部门资助, permission to hang should be received through Buildings and Grounds before ordering a banner.
  • How to: Process a work order with Buildings and Grounds before hanging AND to be taken down.

myGCC – Current Events Module

  • Pros: Seen by current myGCC users
  • Cons: Users have to be logged into myGCC; not on every page
  • How to: This is from the Events Calendar; your event must already be on the calendar to appear here.

myGCC -内部(校园/个人公告)

  • 优点:可以将公告“定位”给特定的子群体, 可以创建非常特定的子组, can include extended text.
  • 缺点:读者必须登录才能看到公告, 当通告太多的时候, they ‘blur’ together.
  • 如何:创建包含编辑文本的帮助台呼叫.


  • 优点:每个人来到校园都会看到它.
  • Cons: Extremely limited text, (10) words or less, not easy to read especially if traffic is moving.
  • How to: Complete the MarCom Request Form.

Stall Wall

  • 优点:任何使用卫生间隔间的人都可以阅读.
  • Cons: Monthly publication, 仅供业务办公室用于一般业务流程信息, 不用于一般事件公告.
  • 如何:联系商务办公室获取更多信息.

Video Displays

  • 优点:科技大楼里的人很容易看到大屏幕.
  • Cons: These screens are only in the Tech Building, do not connect to campus centers.
  • 如何:用你的信息制作幻灯片. Recommended 20 or fewer words (your display is only visible for 8 seconds) Save your slide as a .jpg file. Email with the slide, as well as the start and stop dates to be shown (maximum of one month).

Website Calendar

  • Pros: Publicly available on the external website, user can subscribe to the calendar.
  • 缺点:读者必须去日历,只有文本.
  • 如何:联络举办活动的办事处(记录, Student Activities, Theatre, Art Gallery, Library, MarCom). Create a Help Desk call for an event, including all the information and edited text.


Social Media Guidelines

These Social Media Guidelines govern the publication of and commentary on social media by faculty, staff, and student organizations of GCC. 为本指南的目的, 社交媒体是指任何用于在线发布和评论的设施, 包括但不限于博客, wikis, 以及Facebook等社交网站, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube. These guidelines complement any existing or future College policies or guidelines regarding the use of technology, computers, e-mail and the Internet.


Stay Connected on Social Media

Follow GCC on social media to stay up to date on the latest news, activities, events and contests. 通过提及我们或使用#sunygcc,让我们加入您的GCC冒险.